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Weekly Newsletter | What is Hope and How is it Different from Faith?
2024-04-26 21:04:05
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Weekly Newsletter | What is Hope and How is it Different from Faith?

Received: 2024-04-26 21:04:05 (6 sec.) Created: 2024-04-26 21:03:59

New Blog Post

What is Hope and How is it Different from Faith?

Hope is surely the most neglected of the theological virtues. Less intuitive than its two sisters, faith and charity, it can be difficult to define and easy to overlook.

To make matters worse, the relationship between hope and faith is often a source of confusion. After all, if faith already gives us the assurance that God is real and his plan is good, then what role is hope supposed to play in the Christian life? What makes hope distinctive? Find out in this week’s blog post.

Read the Full Article

The Psychology Behind the Demonic

With Fr. Vincent Lampert

In this week’s episode of Drawing Flame, Matt and Shane sit down for an intimate conversation with Fr. Vincent Lampert, the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Together, they discuss:

  • The difference between ordinary and extraordinary demonic activity

  • The devil’s four-step plan to trap you

  • How you have more heavenly helpers than demonic persecutors

Watch “Drawing Flame” Now

Sunday Bible Reflections

Scott Hahn Reflects on the Fifth Sunday of Easter

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus wants us to take a new look at the trials and sufferings that come our way. But what does he mean when he compares our Father in heaven to a gardener who prunes and trims the branches in his vineyard?

Listen to This Sunday’s Bible Reflection

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The Psychology Behind the Demonic

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Should You Let Your Teens Date?

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