My email etex@clonevietmail.click have 1 message.
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Your Monash University guest account is ready, please activate it.
2025-03-09 00:30:08
To: etex@clonevietmail.click
From: no-reply@e48.e.monash.edu (sender info)

Your Monash University guest account is ready, please activate it.

Received: 2025-03-09 00:30:08 (2 sec.) Created: 2025-03-09 00:30:06
Hi there,
Thank you for registering for a Monash University guest account. You can use this account to access nominated University services.
We recommend you keep your password secure and have your phone with you when using this account, as you will need to complete an SMS verification from time to time.
To verify your email address and activate your account, please click the following link:
Activate Account
If you are on campus and would like IT assistance, please visit one of our in person contact points.
Alternatively you can call the Monash University eSolutions Service Desk using the below details:
Monash University
eSolutions: +61 3 9905 1777
Your use of this account is subject to the Information Technology Acceptable Use Procedure at the University.
Monash University is subject to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Victoria). The University is committed to protecting your privacy. Read the University's privacy statement: https://www.monash.edu/privacy.
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