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Re: Felicity, your invite to Spellbook
2024-02-26 17:30:06
Re: Felicity, your invite to Spellbook
2024-02-23 02:02:05
To: nmacejkovic@code-gmail.com
From: scotts@spellbook.legal (sender info)

Re: Felicity, your invite to Spellbook

Received: 2024-02-23 02:02:05 (3 sec.) Created: 2024-02-23 02:02:02

Hi Felicity—still interested in our early adopter program for Spellbook? Let me know if you have any questions!

We'll keep your spot open until EOD Tomorrow. You can book your spot here. Please feel free to add anyone else in your firm who may be interested in trying Spellbook.

All the best,

    Scott Stevenson
    Co-Founder & CEO

On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 10:01 PM "Scott Stevenson" <scotts@spellbook.legal> wrote:

Hi Felicity,

Thank you for signing up as a Spellbook early adopter—you made it to the top of our 83,000-person waitlist!

As an early adopter, you’ll get a 7-day free trial period. After that, you can lock into early adopter pricing if you wish to continue using Spellbook.

To begin, can you book a 25-minute onboarding call here? Feel free to add anyone else in your firm who may be interested in trying Spellbook

Our waitlist is growing fast, so if we don't hear back from you we'll have to pass on your spot to someone else on the list.

All the best,

PS. You might like to check out our new AI Redlining & Reviews feature here!

    Scott Stevenson
    Co-Founder & CEO
Felicity, your invite to Spellbook
2024-02-18 22:01:07