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We'd like your feedback on your recent interaction with us!
2023-07-17 14:39:58
Are you interested in joining our school this fall?
2023-06-26 15:05:12
To: xboyle@filevino.com
From: davis@miprepschool.org (sender info)

Are you interested in joining our school this fall?

Received: 2023-06-26 15:05:12 (27 sec.) Created: 2023-06-26 15:04:45
Hello future MIPS student! We wanted to let you know that the application for the 2023 / 2024 School Year is NOW OPEN! The application is right on our website and you can complete it online. You will go to www.miprepschool.org and click the box that says enroll now at the top of the page. It will ask you to create a new account for your student and fill in the required information we need for enrollment. Please create the account using the guardians email and password as we will send communication through that email provided. Please start collecting your documents to help make it a seamless process. 

Students Birth certificate
Parent ID (unless the student is 18 or older we will need your ID) 
Up to date Immunization Record or waiver (if under 18)
Report card or transcript
Proof of residency (We will only need this if your Driver's License does not match the address you put on the application)  

We look forward to hearing from you soon, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns! 248-289-5521 Ask for Tara or Ruthanne. Have a great week!


Tara Davis

Family Care Coordinator

248.289.5521 || davis@miprepschool.org

*For tech support, please submit a ticket here.

*To request a transcript, please place your order here.

Note: Please check with your local Learning Lab for specific hours and safety procedures.

Thank you for inquiring about triOS College
2023-06-26 12:23:54