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Time (UTC)
Action required: Update your Family Safety preferences
2024-01-16 15:30:40
To: oondricka@fuadd.me
From: familysafety@microsoft.com (sender info)

Action required: Update your Family Safety preferences

Received: 2024-01-16 15:30:40 (2 sec.) Created: 2024-01-16 15:30:38
Microsoft Family Safety

Update your Family Safety preferences


To give you more personalized control of your Family Safety, we’re making a few changes.

noimage  Required action

To move your information to the new experience, head over to the Family Safety website and review your options.

To keep the default settings from being applied, update your preferences by February 20, 2024.

Go to Family Safety >

Ignore this email if you’ve made changes already.

Here’s what’s changing

To ensure personalized control on each platform, these settings have been made available on Windows, Xbox, and mobile phone individually based on your usage:

Screen time

Set screen time limits will be applied individually across all platforms. There will no longer be a single schedule for all devices.

App limits

You can now enjoy platform-specific app limits, empowering you to set different time restrictions on each.

App blocking and unblocking

You now have the flexibility to block an application individually on each platform.

Activity reporting

Customize activity reporting for each platform, choose which platforms have activity reporting turned on or off, and enjoy enhanced control over your data privacy.