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Time (UTC)
Action needed on your account, ___verlyn___
2024-06-06 07:48:24
To: oliver98@otpku.com
From: no-reply@mail.instagram.com (sender info)

Action needed on your account, ___verlyn___

Received: 2024-06-06 07:48:24 (14 sec.) Created: 2024-06-06 07:48:10

Take action or lose access to ___verlyn___

Hi ___verlyn___,

Your Instagram account has been suspended. This is because your account, or activity on it, doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on spam.

If you think we made a mistake, you have until December 3, 2024 to appeal.

Review details

If you don’t take action, your account will be permanently disabled.


© Instagram. Meta Platforms, Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
This message was sent to oliver98@otpku.com and intended for ___verlyn___.