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What to expect from content curation
2024-06-07 14:55:15
To: leone21@umassrobotics.org
From: noreply@postmaster.scoop.it (sender info)

What to expect from content curation

Received: 2024-06-07 14:55:15 (5 sec.) Created: 2024-06-07 14:55:10

Hi 【九龙城寨之围城】線上看2024-完整版[HD.1080p]TW-HK-小鴨在線版,

Over the next few weeks, publishing consistently on Scoop.it will help you:

  • Establish your online presence,
  • Show thought leadership,
  • Develop your visibility within your network.

Jim Lerman, then a Director at Kean University, started a Scoop.it topic page to curate on education technology. Up to the point when he received an inbound query for an interview for a global media outlet. As he puts it: "The Economist found me through one of my Scoop.it sites."

Where will your content curation take you?

PS: eager to make the most of Scoop.it? Check out what you can do with our premium plans.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at tickets-business@scoopit.uservoice.com.


Meredith from Scoop.it
Customer Success

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